Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Here is the Part-2 of tutorial-6....

Open up the background.psd file....
apply filter>>render>>clouds effect ...
And adjust the 'Hue/saturation'....

Create new channel and apply clouds effect again....

Apply the lighting effect....

Create new layer and new alpha channel,then apply fibers on it....

Back to RGB channel and apply lighting effect again....

Apply same step just now,but apply the different color...

Create a rectangle....
Hold down the Alt key to make few copy of it....

Apply the lighting effect again...

Choose the logo at the path there....
Create Alpha three for that...
Apply stroke...

Apply calculation...
Change the belnding mode to 'different'....

Bring up the 'curve' box....
adjust the curve and save it for further use....

Open the 'twenty' image...
And drag it into the image...

Adjust the 'Hue/Saturation'....
Apply gaussian blur on it....repeat for three time(apply gaussian blur)....
Adjust the level options....
Use the 'cuve' that saved just now and apply it...

Select the layer1 and Basic chrome shape....
And create a layer mask on it....
Change the layer blending mode to 'different'....

Use 'Hue/saturation' to colorize it.....
Turn off the visibility of the wallpaper and bark layer.....

Use the original path,create a new larger logo(free transform)....
Make the selection and make a new layer,filled up with white color....
Apply gaussian blur again....

Use lasso tool to select an area at the left bottom side of the logo,feather it....

Apply motion blur to it....adjust the angle and distance....

Create new layer mask,use gradient tool to make the layer slightly transparent....
Reduce the opacity....

And so, this is my final work....


For me,there are three two part of tutorial-6 learning process...
Here are the part-1....

Duplicate the blue channel...

Apply gaussian blur to the layer....
and adjust the level....

Select the Alpha and RGB channel and filled it with white color....

Go to filter>>distort>>displace, displace with the 'Fabric' that create just now....

Blend it well with the blending options....
t make logo look like is a path of the fabric....

use rectangle marquee tool to select a 'fixed size' area and filled it with black color....

Hold down the Alt key and drag to make few copy of it, and merge it....

Duplicate the green channel....
Apply gaussian blur and adjust the level of the layer....

Choose filter>>distort>>displace, displace with the face.psd that saved just now....

Use gaussian blur to soften the edge....
Mask it out with just the head and body of the man....
Reduce the opacity of the edge....

Apply blur to slats 1....
And reduce it opacity....