Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Project Charter Assignment 1...

Assignment 1 Title: Printout Postcard for the theme “Malaysia, Truly Asia”.

Project Start Date: 20 November 2008

Project Finish Date: 28 November, 2008

Project Manager: Yvonne Foo Geok Teng

HP: 016-9284389

Email: yvo_nne89@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.mcg1014-1071115032.blogspot.com/

Project Objective: We are require to create a multi-cultural event for a post card. The theme would be “Malaysia, Truly Asia” which is the official slogan for Malaysia Tourism. We are to show the multi-cultural aspects of Malaysia culture or life as a positive feature to attract tourist into this country.

Approach: First of all, create a new document in Photoshop with 8 * 6 inches, 300 resolution. Then i use the paint bucket tool-pattern to paint to background with a light pink color with some gardient. Then i use pen tool to draw a curve on the top right side of my postcard, it use to write the word "Malaysia, Truly Asia" and i had paste a hibiscus flower beside the sentence. I use the magnetic lasso tool the cut the hisbiscus shape out then only paste it to my postcard.

and i use the filter-texture-grain effect to edit one of my picture.

And i also use three different races in Malaysia to represent the multicultural in Malaysia. I also draw the 'angpow' using Adobe Illustrator.

I use the rectangle tool to draw the frame for my image. I had use different type to different image.

I also use the brush tool to put some effect on the background.

Roles and Responsibilities:

I start do this assignment from 20 November 2008. The first thing I do is find some image/picture that can represent multicultural in Malaysia, and some famous place in Malaysia. For example beach, KL tower, Hibiscus, Flag and image for different races.

I plan to make a light background and the word “ Malaysia, Truly Asia” will be write at the top right side.

Comment: We only learn from the video(tut) given, and try to explore ourself. We are really new and strange for this software. The video is not enough for us to learn.

1 comment:

Dr. Graphics said...

I think you need to learn to be less depend on teacher.. I know you are new to the software..but I believe if you practise..you will improve..

University is not like secondary school..less spoon feeding..more self-exploration... Give it a chance.. you may surprise yourself.

Now you need to add more images references etc.. for assignment 1.